CDC designs custom built centralizers to keep the pipe in the
center of the well bore during installation of gravel packs and plugs. This has
been proven to extend the life and effectiveness of the well.
rigs have the capability to drill vertical geothermal wells for heating
systems and casson hole drilling for construction projects.
CDC designs and installs state of the art collection systems that place the main header outside the limits of waste to eliminate settling. The laterals run vertically to the LFG wells either below or above the liner so settling is not an issue. CDC incorporates equalization headers and knock-out tanks in our design to minimize vacuum loss in the system. This design allows you to isolate select portions of the collection
system for maintenance without interrupting the rest of the system.
CDC designs and installs custom built knock-out tanks, complete with pump and 5 micron filtration.
CDC also custom builds and installs a patented boot system “Adaptive Coupling and Method” that allows the landfill to settle while maintaining an airtight seal between liner and any penetration through the liner. A variation of this boot system provides the capability to install low cost odor control wells in uncapped areas of the landfill.
CDC designs custom built leachate injection wells for the enhancement of methane production in dry areas of the landfill.
All safety equipment is supplied to insure a safe environment during all phases of the work performed.
CDC offers complete fusion services for all sizes of HDPE: dual containment, electra-fusion, extrusion welding and liner repair. All employees are trained and certified in each specific field and to OSHA standards. All equipment has annual test certifications.
CDC has installed hundreds of miles of pipeline from lateral to headers to gathering and transmission lines.
CDC has utilized Fast Fusion technology while installing transmission lines that dramatically decreases the time it takes to make a weld.
Our company is fully insured and bonded, with a complete health and safety plan available upon request.
CDC offers a complete flare and blower installation package
including site prep, foundations, complete piping and controls.
CDC designs builds and installs flare systems from candlesticks to 6000 SCFM enclosed flares.
CDC has designed blower installations from 10 – 250 horsepower.
Commonwealth Drilling offers services ranging from site drilling to project management.
For more information about this, click here.
The Greentree LFG collection system is among the largest on the East Coast
For more information about the Green Tree LFG, click here.